Want to have a
healthy heart? Eat colourful
fruit and vegetables. Ranging from watermelons to pineapples, any vegetables and fruit-colored save variant can nourish nutrition and prevent disturbances of the heart. Red, yellow, green, Orange, this benefits the color pigment in fresh food for your heart, as quoted from the women's Health Mag.
Fruit and vegetable that can Nourish the heart
1. Yellow
One cup of pineapple can meet more than 100 percent of your daily needs for vitamin C, that it takes heart to fight free radicals. Free radicals are molecules from the outside environment that can damage the body's cells. Besides pineapple, yellow and other food is corn. Although not including vegetables or vegetable, corn also has antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which prevents thickening of the arteries; the main cause of the onset of heart disease.
2. Green
Research shows that eating a high nitrate content of spinach could lower high blood pressure and improve heart function in females. While Kale, contain an antioxidant that helps maintain cardiovascular health. Spinach and kangkung should be consumed after it is cooked in advance to add improved.
3. Blue/Purple
Based on the latest research, consuming 3 servings or more of fruit berry (grape, blueberry, cherry) can help reduce the risk of heart attack in women ages 30, 40 and drinks. It is because of its high content of antioxidants contained in it.
4. Red
Watermelon and tomatoes are the best source of lycopene, an antioxidant active working neutralize free radicals that are dangerous in the bloodstream. One study found that the content of lycopene in their blood stream is high, 55 percent less risky than the stroke affected his lower lycopene.
5. Orange
Oranges and other citrus fruits are more known for rich content of vitamin c. citrus But also has a lot of fiber; about 3 grams in a single grain. Fiber can help lower high cholesterol levels in the blood. Meanwhile, orange peppers are rich in potassium, namely the type of mineral that can adjust the pressure of the blood to be more stable.