4 ways to help victims of heart attack

4 ways to help victims of heart attack

A heart attack can strike anyone and anywhere. If you suspect or see someone having a heart attack, quick action can help save his life. Browse first aid measures.

Cited from the BBC, a heart attack is a condition in which one of the arteries that bring blood congestion, usually this is caused by blood clots. The main risk of this condition will make the heart beat is abnormal and even stopped.

American Heart Association (AHA) recorded more than 1 million people have heart attacks each year and half of them died of a heart attack. Therefore, it is important for everyone to know how to save those who had a heart attack, as quoted from Detikhealth.

1. Dudukkan or baringkan. If men, open the belt he was wearing, if the woman open her bra so that she could breathe more relief.

2. give aspirin if she did not have allergies. Aspirin will help dilute the blood to clot and help keep blood flowing to the arteries. Chewing aspirin during a heart attack can reduce the risk of death by up to 25 percent.

3. direct telephone numbers of emergency or hospital and explain symptoms experienced in brief and clear, like "patients experienced severe chest pains and breathing difficulties".

4. Try not to waste my time. Time 1 hour to 90 minutes since had a heart attack until a trip to the hospital is expected to still be able to provide succor to the people affected by heart attacks.

Time 1 hour is considered critical because it is based on the experience of doctors who treat patients with heart attacks, most people are not helped in the first one hour of a heart attack. The average heart attack patient died because of delay's help, the gravity of the attacks happened and issue the ability of the patient to surgery.
Rapid heart beat While exercising, Stop or continue?

Rapid heart beat While exercising, Stop or continue?

No actual events could have You experienced while doing sporting activities. Starting from the late coming to the fitness class so not had breakfast, experiencing knee pain until a sudden heart beat faster.

The question also arises, can exercise without breakfast first? Normalkah speed heart rate? Or should stop when the knee feels pain or throbbing? Is he a few constraints that may occur while doing physical activities, and tips to solve it from health experts and nutrisionist, was quoted as saying from Shape.

1. Fitness Class, Come Late to Miss Breakfast or eat Potluck?
If you are late joined fitness classes in the morning, you should not let the empty stomach while exercising. However, avoid fatty foods and also a sugared doughnut-like high or fried banana. Instead of eating foods that are not healthy, better prioritizing their mengasup body with enough fluid.

Sports Nutrisionist and author of The book ' The Official Snack Guide for Beleaguered Sports Parents ' Dawn Weatherwax suggested to drink 284 ml to 500 ml of water on the way to the gym. White water is good to increase the body's metabolism, helps burn fat and build muscle. As for the food, choose fresh fruit such as apples or bananas.

2. heart rate suddenly Fast While the body Feels fine. Should stop or continue to exercise?
Your decision to stop or continue the sport, so depending on how fast the heart rate and body condition. Cardiologist Andrew Freeman, MD, says, "the heart rate generally increased along with increasing activity."

Heart rate can also be increased if you are not used to doing high-intensity exercise because of the reduced availability of oxygen. Pain, fever, dehydration and anemia are also some causes of a person's heart rate is not normal. If you exercise a day and feel the heart beat faster than normal, you should stop and consult your doctor.

3. Knee Throbbing But Feels no pain. Should Stop Sport?
Try to stretch Your knees a bit while doing squat, lunge (resting on one knee in the squat position) or very short pulses of stepup and see if it still feels intrusive. If not, you can continue the sports but if still throbbing, soon quit. It's his mark your knees yet too pliable and accustomed to move simultaneously.

To strengthen the joints at the knees, you should train stretching away. Sitting leaning on wall with one foot straight ahead. While the other leg bent with your feet berlandas on the floor. The straight leg raise slowly as high as 45 degrees, hold briefly, then slowly lower. Repeat this movement as much as 15 times alternated between left and right foot.

4. Favorite Instructors Resign & you doubt with credibility its replacement
The trainer's role is to provide appropriate referral body condition and the results you want from your fitness workout. If you already understand the movements of sports and know the true condition of the body, you can actually modify the exercises without needing the help of your instructors favoritkan.

"You can ask the instructor about the replacement of specific movements that considered problematic (e.g. knee pain during squats). You may choose to follow the advice of an instructor but avoid gestures that make you uncomfortable, "saran Irv Rubenstein, PhD, physiological exercise.
Young Age Had A Heart Attack Risk

Young Age Had A Heart Attack Risk

Heart disease is now no longer happens only to the elderly parents, but also to those who are younger. A heart attack usually occurs suddenly, the causes vary.

Heart attacks can happen at any age

The main causes are often detected is usually terhambatnya blood supply to the heart muscles, because the blood vessels that drain clogged by fat and cholesterol, or any chemical substances from drug use. How to detect heart disease and prevention? The following tips from Heath Me Up so that your heart is always healthy.

Risk Factors Of Heart Problems At A Young Age
One of the factors that causes heart problems at a young age is having a family history of high cholesterol levels or so-called familial hyper-cholesterolemia. High cholesterol levels due to lack of exercise and physical activity makes the body secrete sweat.
Often consuming fast food (fast food) can also contribute to the development of heart disease at a young age.

If you like smoke, stop starting now. Because smoking can damage the lining of the artery with a build-up of fatty material (ateroma) that narrows the arteries. In addition, stress can also make you risk affected by heart disease. When you are stressed, some chemicals in the body causes increased blood pressure, which leads to bad for the heart.

Indicators Of Heart Problems At A Young Age
If you notice symptoms such as chest pain, indigestion, heartburn, irregular heart beat, always sweating, shortness of breath or feel any discomfort on a certain body part, do not ignore. Check with your doctor immediately, to prevent heart problems later in life.

-Prevention Of Heart Disease
Heart problems at a young age should be immediately acted upon, so as not to be a major issue at a later date. Take a screening on a routine basis to detect cardiovascular health. Early Screening can also help to control blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

To minimize the risk of developing heart disease, exercise regularly, stop smoking, and stay away from unhealthy foods such as fast food and alcohol.

Keep Your heart health with These 7 ways

Keep Your heart health with These 7 ways

Consuming food packaging was not only dangerous, but also have a bad effect on your health in the long term. That's why you should keep your food intake and exercise regularly. It is important to keep your heart healthy. Therefore, the heart is one of the most prominent and sensitive from inside the human body.

How to Keep Healthy Heart

The heart also plays a major role in supplying fresh blood to the entire body which keeps us healthy and normal. Therefore, it is very important for us to follow a certain healthy routines to keep our heart healthy. Here are some simple tips that can help you maintain a healthy heart, as quoted from Boldsky.

1. regular exercise
Exercising regularly is one of the most basic things that can be done to maintain heart health. With regular exercise, surely it can throw out extra fat stored in the body, especially around the waistline. This can also help prevent heart disease.

2. keep your Weight
Not a few people try to reduce their weight with the assumption that excess weight leads to heart disease. When in fact, skinny people are also prone to suffer heart disease. One of the ways that you can do to avoid heart disease, while maintaining the weight to always stable.

3. Avoid Being Active Smokers & Passive
Smoking is not only detrimental to your lungs, but also the heart. Smoking can trigger high blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease. As with any active smokers, passive smokers are also vulnerable to this deadly disease.

4. avoid Food Packaging
We recommend that you avoid food packaging to prevent heart disease. Food packaging not only fat, but also high in anti-oxidants are harmful to the body.

5. reduce consumption of Sugar
If you had like to eat and drink sweets, we recommend that you start the reduced. You need to remember that, eating high-sugar food or drink is not only at risk of diabetes, but can also trigger heart disease. As a solution, you can replace it with brown sugar.

6. milk products
Dairy products, like yogurt and buttermilk are beneficial to health. But should be consumed in limited quantities. Eating too much dairy products is also not good for the health of the body.

7. Mental health
Mental pressure should be avoided entirely and instead one should learn to manage stress. Mental health is considered as the most important aspects to determine the condition of your heart. Stress is also considered as the most significant factor as a trigger of heart disease.

The benefits of Tomatoes for healthy heart and Strong Bones

The benefits of Tomatoes for healthy heart and Strong Bones

During this time, maybe people just know tomatoes good for eye health. It turns out many of the health benefits gained diligently eating tomatoes. He's seven benefits of this fruit is reddish orange, as quoted from the Times of India.

Efficacy Tomatoes for Health Healthy Heart and Strong Bones

1. Antioxidant
Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A and C, as well as the beta carotene and lycopene content is high. This acts as an antioxidant content of active working neutralize free radicals that are dangerous in the bloodstream. Free radicals in the blood can be removed with lycopene. Free radicals are very dangerous because it can damage the cell. therefore, do not forget to always bring a sandwich with chunks of fresh tomatoes or cherry tomatoes as a snack in Your everyday meal provision.

2. Healthy Eyes
Because the ingredient is a vitamin A will be so high, the tomato is the right food to improve Your vision. The tomatoes will keep the eyes from disease risk nyctalopia.

3. prevent cancer
Many studies suggest that lycopene content owned a tomato can reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men, cancer of the stomach and colon cancer) Lycopene is considered a natural antioxidant which may help stop the growth of cancer cells. The more interesting and more, cooked tomatoes can produce more lycopene than raw tomatoes. So try regularly consuming tomato soup or tomato stir fry dishes in the enter you!

4. healthy heart
The content of potassium and B vitamins that tomatoes may reduce blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. This substance, later can help you prevent strokes, heart attacks and other deadly heart disorders.

5. enhance your Skin
The high amount of lycopene makes tomatoes very well used for skin care. Lightly coat the skin of your face with the inside of the skin the tomatoes and let sit for about 10 minutes. Then rinse with clean water. The face will look clean and shines instantly. Do routinely every week.

6. beautiful hair
Still remember about number of Vitamin A in a tomato? Nice addition to the eyes, teeth, skin, and bones, Vitamin A also great for keeping your hair remains strong and healthy.

7. strong bones
Tomatoes also contain Vitamin K and calcium is enough to help your bones become stronger. The consumption of at least one tomato fruits per day.
US pilot dies on the plane of heart attack

US pilot dies on the plane of heart attack

It's nerve-racking incident for passengers aboard United Airlines in the us. The pilot suffered a heart pain and sudden flights were redirected. Unfortunate, the pilot was eventually died in its care.

The previous Pilot flew United Airlines flight 1603 plane from Houston to Seattle, the u.s., on Thursday (14/9) night. Boeing 737-900 was carrying 160 passengers and six crew members.

The pilot suffered a sudden heart pains. All of a sudden the passengers Help included is a physician who performs CPR. A pilot who was free of duties, taking over the cockpit and the aircraft landed in Boise, Idaho.

Boise Airport spokesman Jennifer Krajnik says the pilot was still alive while being rushed to the Hospital of Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center. But the pilots that died that evening while undergoing treatment.

A passenger named Ken Martin told TV station KOMO in Seattle say a doctor who sits next to him hands down give CPR. While another passenger named Bryant Magill explains the flight attendants remained calm.

"I was amazed with all the flight attendants. They remained calm and professional, no panic on the plane, "he said Bryant as reported by The Sydney Morning Herald, Monday (27/9/2013).

The name of the pilot remain undisclosed to maintain privacy. United Airlines spokesman says they led sungkawa. However, according to the U.S. Aviation Authority (FAA) a pilot who would fly must have a medical certificate that States do not experience heart problems.
Fruit and vegetable that can Nourish the heart

Fruit and vegetable that can Nourish the heart

Want to have a healthy heart? Eat colourful fruit and vegetables. Ranging from watermelons to pineapples, any vegetables and fruit-colored save variant can nourish nutrition and prevent disturbances of the heart. Red, yellow, green, Orange, this benefits the color pigment in fresh food for your heart, as quoted from the women's Health Mag.

Fruit and vegetable that can Nourish the heart

1. Yellow

One cup of pineapple can meet more than 100 percent of your daily needs for vitamin C, that it takes heart to fight free radicals. Free radicals are molecules from the outside environment that can damage the body's cells. Besides pineapple, yellow and other food is corn. Although not including vegetables or vegetable, corn also has antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which prevents thickening of the arteries; the main cause of the onset of heart disease.

2. Green

Research shows that eating a high nitrate content of spinach could lower high blood pressure and improve heart function in females. While Kale, contain an antioxidant that helps maintain cardiovascular health. Spinach and kangkung should be consumed after it is cooked in advance to add improved.

3. Blue/Purple

Based on the latest research, consuming 3 servings or more of fruit berry (grape, blueberry, cherry) can help reduce the risk of heart attack in women ages 30, 40 and drinks. It is because of its high content of antioxidants contained in it.

4. Red

Watermelon and tomatoes are the best source of lycopene, an antioxidant active working neutralize free radicals that are dangerous in the bloodstream. One study found that the content of lycopene in their blood stream is high, 55 percent less risky than the stroke affected his lower lycopene.

5. Orange

Oranges and other citrus fruits are more known for rich content of vitamin c. citrus But also has a lot of fiber; about 3 grams in a single grain. Fiber can help lower high cholesterol levels in the blood. Meanwhile, orange peppers are rich in potassium, namely the type of mineral that can adjust the pressure of the blood to be more stable.

Copyright © 2013-2014 How to Maintain a Healthy Heart: 10/19/13