Foods That Help Prevent Heart Disease

Foods That Help Prevent Heart Disease

Avoid heart disease by eating corn
Corn is a staple food second only to rice. Though not the main staple food, corn has a myriad of benefits that are not less important than rice. Check out the benefits of corn for health as reported by healthmeup (17/7).

Corn is rich in fiber, which helps improve digestion. This fiber will help control hunger and help in losing weight.

Corn is rich in vitamin C, niacin, folic acid. All these nutrients, help prevent heart disease.
Improving mental health and improve your memory, because they contain thiamine.
Consuming corn also help lower cholesterol and prevent colon cancer.

This little snack loaded with lutein and zeaxanthin, two phytochemicals that help improve the health of the eyes.

A corncob has the same number of calories as an Apple and less than a quarter of the sugar. In other words, can be one of healthy foods.

Sweet corn is also healthy. But if you add the butter would be unhealthy snacks.
Don't forget the corn consumption for better health.
6 Bad Habits Destroy Your Heart Health

6 Bad Habits Destroy Your Heart Health

You might think having a lifestyle that's been quite healthy. But sometimes there are some habits that was accidentally and even damage the health of your heart.
Considering maintaining heart health is the important thing, then you need to know information about habits that could damage his health. As reported by the by, Allwomenstalk habit:

Eating too much

Consuming too much food is one of the bad habits. The effect is you are experiencing overweight, and obesity. It's clear affect heart health, and can ruin it.

Excess/Sports Sports never

Yes, both are bad for heart health. When an excess of sports, you make the heart work too hard and it is not recommended. Especially if you've previously never work out but then spur yourself to an all-out practice at a time. Do exercise regularly with a balanced portion, in order for the heart to be healthy.

Too much salt

Too much salt in the diet that is consumed will increase high blood pressure. The risk of stroke, heart ache, or a heart attack would be further increased by high blood pressure.

Too many watch tv

One of the bad habits that trigger heart pain is to sit for hours. While watching tv, we recommend you do while working on other activities, take a walk in the living room, and avoid prolonged sitting. It applies also to Office workers for they is most often sit for long without moving.

Do not clean the teeth

Teeth cleaning with perfect use thread floss turns out to be associated with increased heart disease. Scientists have found that bacteria that builds up on the teeth and gums can spread to other organs, including the heart, if not cleaned up.

A passive smoker

Being around a smoker turns out may result in increased blood clotting and the plaque in your arteries. A study showed almost 5000 cases of heart disease are diagnosed each year in the u.s., comes from a passive smoker, (source:
Eating Fish for Heart Health

Eating Fish for Heart Health

Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death and disability in Australia. Heart disease is caused by many individual factors such as genetics, lifestyle and diet. With regard to diet, many experts who had done research on the benefits of eating fish to reduce the risk of heart disease. In a study, people who consume fish has a survival and a half higher than those who do not eat fish.

Eating fish and cardiovascular health

The results of the study revealed that the highest level of risk for heart disease occurs in men who do not consume fish. The study also shows that eating fish once or twice a week substantially lower the risk of coronary heart disease.

One of the oldest research that has been done by two researchers Denmark in 1970 found the fact that although many Eskimos consume high fatty foods, has a case of death due to coronary heart disease (PJK) are low. This is because the Eskimos have a habit of consuming fish.

Data from Reutershealth reveals other than rich protein, fish is also beneficial for lowering blood pressure and nourish the heart. According to Dr. William Harris of the University of South Dakota, the American people are more exposed to disease and blood flow blockage of coronary artery disease compared to Japan because Japan usually consume consume fish.

The content of omega-3 in fish can heal the blockages in blood flow automatically and minimize the risk of developing coronary heart disease and many other diseases. Eating patterns people Japan is also influential, since Japan dishes is usually served raw or boiled and Japan a little bit using cooking oil or fat.

Secondary Prevention Of Coronary Heart Disease

After someone suffered a heart attack, it is very important to prevent the onset of heart attack back. Precautions to reduce the risk of this is called the secondary prevention. Secondary prevention can be done by consuming fish. In a controlled clinical trial proved that people who are recovering from a heart attack and consume fish two or three times a week can reduce one third the mortality rate after two years.

In another experiment, with a supplement of omega-3 fats from seafood total deaths reduced by 20%, deaths from heart disease decreased 30%, and sudden death reduced by 45%.

In a study, the diet of the Mediterranean fish consume 47 grams per day are more effective in protecting against the risk of sudden death due to heart attack compared with the low-fat diet. Fish consumption may prevent heart disease through the following mechanisms reduce serum triglycerides, optimizes blood pressure, improves blood flow, and reduces irregular heart beat.

Dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol

Many researchers had previously said that cholesterol intake will cause high blood cholesterol and is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. This is especially the case if consumed was saturated fatty acids. However it turns out, only 15% of the population who experienced increased blood cholesterol by more than 10%.

There are a number of factors such as gender, age and body fat distribution that can affect the way the body handles cholesterol from food. In addition, the fatty acid composition of food will greatly affect an increase in cholesterol in the blood. There are two types of fatty acids that may increase blood cholesterol i.e. saturated fat (mostly from animal foods such as meat) and trans fat unsaturated mono-(produced by the hydrogenation of vegetable oils). Cholesterol in the body is transported by low-density Lipoproteins (LDL) and High Density Lipoprotein (HDL).

LDL cholesterol will be deposited in the walls of blood vessels and an accumulation of LDL can cause tissue damage and clogging the arteries. If this happens in the heart arteries (coronary arteries) will cause a heart attack so that LDL cholesterol is considered bad cholesterol/evil, though not all bad because the body requires some LDL cholesterol for the metabolism of the body. In contrast, HDL cholesterol is considered good cholesterol because HDL helps remove LDL cholesterol from the body. High cholesterol, low HDL and high LDL is a risk factor for heart disease. The height of these conditions is trigliserid multiplier further against the risk of a heart attack.

LDL can undergo a chemical reaction of oxidation, which is reinforced by specific molecules which are usually reactive produced as part of the defence system and as a byproduct of metabolic processes that utilize oxygen. The oxidation of LDL can cause blood vessel damage and hardening of the arteries. The oxidation of LDL tamp
Learn about 11 types of heart diseases that are dangerous!

Learn about 11 types of heart diseases that are dangerous!

Most people classify all types of cardiovascular disease into one category, which is a heart attack. However, often we do not realize that a heart attack was the end result of various types of heart disease. Having a heart attack is the implications of heart disease. The term cardiovascular refers to his own heart and the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart.

Types of heart diseases

Every issue either on the heart or blood vessels that supply blood to the heart can cause cardiovascular disease. Here are some types of heart disease you need to beware, as reported by Boldsky.

1. coronary artery disease

This is the most common type of heart disease, in which the artery walls thicken due to accumulation of fat. These conditions inhibit the amount of blood entering the heart and increasing blood pressure.

2. Trachycardia

Trachycardia basically is the medical term for increased heart rate. Palpitations and high heart rate can be caused due to several reasons like smoking, alcohol and stress.

3. diseases of the heart muscle

Sometimes, the muscles of the heart can also be weakened. In this case, the function of the muscles of the heart will be slowed down so that it is unable to pump enough blood to the body.

4. valvular heart disease

The heart has four valves. If one or more than one heart valve is not working properly, You may be experiencing a stroke or angina.

5. Bradikardi

Bradikardia is the medical term for a slow heart rate. This happens when the heart muscles are tired. A pacemaker fitted in the heart can spur a heartbeat again weakened.

6. heart failure

Heart failure often occurs when the heart cannot pump the blood and stop working. This can happen when someone loses a lot of blood, surprised or even due to the lung disorder.

7. congenital heart disease

Some babies are born with a weak heart or a hole in their heart. The condition can be corrected with surgery, but not always successfully.

8. disorders of cerebrovascular disease

The occurrence of resistance in the circulation of blood from the heart to the brain, a condition called disease cerebrovascular disease. This type of heart disease is very dangerous because it can cause strokes in the brain.

9. Angina

Angina is a medical term describing the pain and tightness around the chest. This is because your chest is not getting enough oxygen. This condition is most often caused by a blockage in the coronary heart or artery.

10. Rheumatic heart disease

A certain type of bacterial infection in childhood can cause affecting the joints and heart valves. Heart problems began to emerge in adulthood. The only medications frequently heart valve replacement with the help of surgery.

11. Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a hardening of the arteries. Arteries hardened due to sediment often plague, toxins and fat. This can lead to increased blood pressure and heart stroke.

This is eleven types of heart disease you should beware. Heart disease have many types and reasons that trigger it. Hopefully this gives you an idea of the dangers of heart disease!
Prevent heart disease with eating 45 cherry fruit every day

Prevent heart disease with eating 45 cherry fruit every day

Researchers from the United States claim that consumption of 45 sweet cherry fruit every day is able to unleash a flow of blood and prevent the attack of various diseases.

Such research is precisely the collaboration of experts from the University of California and the Western Human Nutrition Research Center's Agriculture Research Service.

As reported by the United Press International, the researchers involve 18 men and women aged 40-60 years. Respondents were then asked to consume 45 sweet cherry fruit every day for 28 days (approximately 280 grams).

As a result, researchers found that consumption of cherry create a C-reactive protein compounds that lower the risk of inflammatory causes of heart disease and other diseases has increased.

Indirectly, the sweet cherry fruit every day is able to prevent various diseases caused by inflammation. These diseases include arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease (heart and stroke).

The research was published in the Journal of Nutrition.

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